Fees and Burn

Fees are calculated and charged to the user during various message executions on the network. Types of fees on network include fixed and variable.

Fixed Fees

Fixed fees are incurred by users during simple transactions that require minimal computational effort as a way to deter bad-acting users from spamming the network. Fixed fees are burnt following a Proof of Burn mechanism and are required for any action on the network, including:

  • Creating a Pastel ID (a persistent identity used on the network).

  • Creating or modifying a "user name".

  • NFT Registration

  • NFT Transfer

  • Sense and Cascade Transfers

Variable Fees

Variable fees are charged to users proportionate to the amount of compute or storage resources required to execute specific operations. Variable fees on Pastel leverage a mechanism that automatically adjusts relative to network difficulty and computational resources in order to keep them reasonable despite large changes in the dollar value of Pastel's native PSL currency token. Variable fees are either burnt or distributed to the SuperNodes that process a user's requests and include:

  • NFT Activation

  • NFT Offer, Accept

  • Sense API (i.e., Pastel's near-duplicate image detection system)

  • Cascade API (i.e., the underlying storage layer of Pastel)

  • Sense and Cascade Offer, Accept

Current Fee Schedule

Amount (PSL)

Create Pastel ID


Burnt by User

User Name Change (first change)


Burnt by User

User Name Change (any subsequent changes)


Burnt by User

NFT Registration


Burnt by Registering SuperNode

NFT Activation (Fixed)


Burnt by User

NFT Activation (Variable)

NFT Image Storage (1):

50 PSL / 1 MB


NFT Ticket Storage (2):

3 PSL / 1 KB

  • 54% to Registering Principal SuperNode

  • 36% split between two Verifying SuperNodes (18% to each)

  • 10% Burnt

NFT Offer

2% of Sale Price, minimum 10 PSL

Burnt by the current NFT owner

NFT Accept

1% of Sale Price,

minimum 10 PSL

Burnt by the new NFT owner

NFT Transfer (Fixed)


Burnt by the current NFT owner

OpenAPI-Sense Registration



Burnt by User

OpenAPI-Sense Activation



Burnt by User

OpenAPI-Sense (Variable)

Sense API by Image Size:

10 PSL / MB


Image Storage (1):



Sense Ticket Storage (2):


  • 48% to Registering Principal SuperNode

  • 32% split between two Verifying SuperNodes (16% to each)

  • 20% Burnt





Burnt by User





Burnt by User

OpenAPI-Cascade (Variable)

Cascade Data Storage:

50 PSL / 1 MB


Cascade Ticket Storage (2):


  • 48% to Registering Principal SuperNode

  • 32% split between two Verifying SuperNodes (16% to each)

  • 20% Burnt

OpenAPI-Sense and Cascade Offer

2% of Variable Price,

minimum 10 PSL

Burnt by the current owner

OpenAPI-Sense and Cascade Accept

1% of Variable Price,

minimum 10 PSL

Burnt by the new owner

OpenAPI-Sense and Cascade Transfer


Burnt by the current owner

  1. Network Storage Fee per MB is calculated as the "Trimean" of the specified network fees of all ENABLED SuperNodes. The Trimean simply drops the bottom and top quartile before averaging the results in the 50th to 75th percentile, which results in a more robust estimate that can't be distorted by excessively high or low specified fee levels; this prevents malicious SuperNodes from manipulating fee levels to impractical levels that are either too low to offset the cost of providing the service or too high to make sense for users. The default Network Fee per MB is set to 50 PSL, although individual SuperNodes can modify this for their own nodes.

  2. Ticket Storage Fee per KB is calculated as an average of NFT Ticket Storage Fees of all ENABLED SuperNodes. Default Ticket Storage Fee is 3 PSL per KB.

Last updated

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